Fishing Venues at Heidarvatn

With over 8 kilometers of river and 2 square kilometers of stillwater to explore, anglers have an incredible amount of water at their disposal from which to discover their own favorite pools and shorelines.

The River Vatnsa

The River Vatnsa is the outlet of Lake Heidarvatn and the cornerstone of the angling program at Heidarvatn. With 8 kilometers of river available to guests - nearly all accessible by 4WD vehicle and a short walk - there is no shortage of new water to discover. The river can be fished year-round and, depending on the time of year, holds Atlantic salmon and both sea-run and resident brown trout.

The Vatnsa is a medium-sized river that meanders and braids on its way from the lake to the confluence with the River Kerlingadalsa, with numerous bends and oxbows creating over 100 distinct pools, riffles, and holding lies for anglers to fish. Most of the river can be wade-fished comfortably and the river is easily crossed in most tailouts. The water clarity is typically very high; in such cases, sight-fishing is often the preferred method, making stealthy approaches and delicate, precise presentations important.

On its way to the Kerlingadalsa, the river travels through open meadows, along rugged outcroppings, and through a small canyon stretch. Its size makes for an intimate yet challenging angling experience and the water should be covered thoughtfully and thoroughly. At the same time, the salmon and sea-run trout can reach impressive sizes while also being fresh from the ocean, making for spectacular aerial displays and crafty battles.

Lake Heidarvatn

An incredibly diverse body of water - both biologically and geographically - Lake Heidarvatn offers a wide variety of angling opportunities to guests, both on foot and from boat. Arctic char are the dominant species in the lake but resident brown trout are also present for the duration of the fishing season. In the spring, sea-run trout can also be caught in the lake before they begin their downstream migration. At two square kilometers in size, the lake is large enough to accommodate a large number of anglers at one time.

Oftentimes the fishing in Lake Heidarvatn is productive from shore or while wading but when conditions call for access to deeper water, several different watercrafts are available for guests to use - inflatable belly boats, stand-up fishing kayaks, and larger, wooden boats with electric trolling motors. Classic stillwater fishing techniques are used when fishing Lake Heidarvatn, typically with floating lines though intermediate- and slow-sinking lines are effective at certain times of the year as well.

The River Skoga

Guests at Heidarvatn may also have the opportunity to fish the River Skoga, depending on availability. The Skoga is famous for its magnificent waterfalls and its Atlantic salmon, which return from mid-July through October. Compared to the River Vatnsa, the Skoga is bigger and has more ‘classic’ swing water. It makes a great complement to several days of fishing in the Heidar Valley.

Note: fishing on the River Skoga is dependent on availability and also incurs an additional expense. Please inquire for more information.

For more photos of angling at Heidarvatn, see our photo gallery.