To ask questions, check availability, and make reservations, contact our talented travel agents.
Cancellation Policy
1.Payment must be made in full, at least 60 days before the first fishing day. In the rare case of a last minute booking, the full payment is required for booking to be confirmed. Deposits are non-refundable. Payment is made via bank transfer. On the issued invoice, information on due dates and amount of payments will be stated. Heidarvatn reserves the right to add interest of 20% if payments are not made on due dates. It is assumed that the clients have read, understood and agreed to all terms and rules, at the time of payment.
2. Refunds will only be given in the unlikely event of a cancellation by Heidarvatn, due to unsafe conditions or other deciding factors. In case of client cancellation before 60 days from the given date, 50% will be refunded, or –alternately—the client is permitted to rebook for the following year, without loss of deposit. In case of cancellation within 60 days prior to the trip, no refunds will be made. Failure to pay by 60 days prior to arrival gives Heidarvatn the right to keep the deposit and to resell the dates to another party, resulting in a booking loss for that client.
3. Limitations: Fishing and traveling within Iceland involves outdoor activities with their requisite risks. Those who participate acknowledge that they accept these hazards as a condition of their participation entirely in their own responsibility. Heidarvatn assumes no responsibility, however caused, for injury, loss or damage to their clients’ person or property in connection with any service resulting directly from natural disasters, strikes, thefts, delays, force majeure, government restrictions or regulations or any delay caused by unforeseen circumstances.
4. The client agrees that if Heidarvatn documents a client’s visit, any photos taken by Heidarvatn team may be used for publicity purposes. Should the client prohibit this, the client must notify Heidarvatn in advance.