Heidarvatn Staff

Gulli Helgason

Host, Fishing Guide & Chef

Gulli grew up in Vik, began fishing at Heidarvatn when he was five years old, and hasn’t stopped since. He has worked as a fishing guide at Heidarvatn for many years and, arguably, no one knows the River Vatnsa or Lake Heidarvatn better than him. His welcoming demeanor and Icelandic charm make him as much a part of the Heidarvatn experience as everything else.

Magdalena Lamprecht Wallhoff

Angler & Owning Family Member

Magdalena was raised on a fish farm in Asia, but has been carrying a fly rod since the age of 12, when her father hiked her up to an Alpine lake in Switzerland to cast for trout. Those experiences all highlighted to her the need for wise stewardship and management, and Magdalena’s vision for Heidarvatn grows clearer with each year: a valley that is shared with guests who participate personally in not only fishing but in what it means to be part of this marvelous ecosystem. Her desire is to see a returning roster of guests who make lifelong memories on their own in the solitude or with their friends and family.

Read more about the fishing and accommodations at Heidarvatn.